
Protrader out of business
Protrader out of business

protrader out of business

The portal is not responsible for all transactions, damages, expenses incurred and lost profits arising in connection with investment decisions made on the basis of the content available on the website. These contents have been prepared diligently, with due diligence and do not constitute the basis for making investment decisions, investment advice or recommendations within the meaning of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 October 2005 on information constituting recommendations regarding financial instruments, their issuers or exhibitors (Dz. We believe that thanks to online trading you will be able to realize your dreams and goals.Īll content posted on the website and its subpages is for information purposes only and presents the authors' own opinions. We hope to inspire you, unleash your potential and contribute to your success in investing in financial markets. Our goal is simple - to provide the most proven tools that you will use in your trading. We do it every day and we are the best in it. The is created out of our passion for financial markets and online trading. The main goal of PFSOFT since the very beginning is to make financial trading more efficient by combining different markets, different asset classes and various market participants in a single environment. The company hires more than 100 people, mostly in R&D and QA, and maintains regional representatives in Europe, China, India and Brazil. PFSOFT is the global fintech developer of sophisticated online trading solutions since 2003. To find PFSOFT’s Brazillian website please visit About PFSOFT For PFSOFT to be there, it is a great experience and another milestone in company’s pursuit of their primary goal of connecting world wide markets in a single efficient trading environment. It attracts attention due to a relatively well developed financial market and strongly growing economy.

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The PFSOFT company fully stepped into Brazil – a huge emerging market with over 200 million people and GDP of over $1,7 trillion. It required deep arrangements and team of skilled professionals lead by Christiano Ricardo Santos, to ensure appropriate maintenance and service for such demanding partners. Modus operandi of PFSOFT’s Brazilian office makes it fast, easy and cost efficient for brokers to adopt Protrader for their businesses and clients, who would like to trade equities, futures and options on local or even on foreign markets. Based on initial interest from brokers and traders we expect that in few years Protrader may become a standard platform on the Brazilian market.” – Roman Nalivayko, Global Head of Business Development at PFSOFT It also allows brokers to offer a number of services that will add value to their offerings. After one year of close cooperation with the local team, we prepared a tailored hosted solution that fully meets Brazilian traders’ needs. “One of the biggest challenges in Brazil was specificity of organization of trading business in this country. This new delivery model shortened time to market from several months – usually in case of such solutions – to just few weeks. They integrated technology that allows executing and settlement of orders on BM&F Bovespa, but also set proper infrastructure to host the technology for partners and deliver them product that’s ready to use. In order to prepare technology that would be considered by key players in Brazil, PFSOFT had to arrange certain adjustments to their business model to fit into the local ecosystem. That makes them well positioned for winning an additional market share from their competitors in close future.” -Christiano Ricardo Santos, CEO at PFSOFT LATAM They will use PFSOFT LATAM’s infrastructure, to offer their clients a top quality brokerage services with Protrader’s cutting-edge front end suite. They are going to provide access to equities, options and futures listed on BM&F Bovespa through Protrader solution. “The most recent result of PFSOFT LATAM’s presence in Brazil was acquisition of two brokers as regional partners with Rico CTVM S.A as one of them. In addition to that, the Brazilian office will run a local tech support for brokers and traders. During the process of establishing presence in Brazil, PFOSFT integrated its brokerage solution Protrader with one of the world’s largest exchanges – BM&F Bovespa, based in Sao Paulo.Īs a result, PFSOFT is able to offer a hosted brokerage solution to Brazilian brokers as well as execution on Bovespa exchange for international clients. PFSOFT, the global fintech developer of multi-asset brokerage and trading solutions, has set up a fully functional branch office in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Protrader out of business